Monday, May 18, 2009

The Clear Light

Here's something for the summer - new song by rioux, Nuuro, and Felix Snow. It's called "The Clear Light", and what's more there's a video by Josh Cabrido! Footage is sampled from various public domain sources including Timothy Leary's "The Psychedelic Experience".

Originally the song was made as a collaborative project at NYU's Clive Davis Department of Recorded Music, but we were enjoying ourselves too much and the video had to be made.

"Can't say it wasn't fun."

The Clear Light from rioux. on Vimeo.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

2 New Collaborations

Hello. Two new rioux collaborations up for download: "Something to Say" by Ceci G and rioux, and Shoulderpads remix by Nuuro!
Hmmm... The link won't post. That's funny. Use the handy FREE MUSIC link on your right.

Anddd I encourage everyone to check out the work by both Nuuro and Ceci. Some of the best music being made today - I'm honored to even know these two! (Hint hint: links are to your right!)

Saturday, May 2, 2009

NEW Place to Start

The finalized mix of "Place to Start" is now up for download. No major changes - Just a little shorter than before.


Born in Metro Detroit.
Lives in Brooklyn.
Makes psychedelic music incorporating electronics and instruments.
Plays kalimba, miscellaneous drums, and trumpet. Loops his guitar.
Draws from a library of self-samples to re-perform instruments using a drum pad.
Enjoys sounds.
Aims to be challenging, accessible, universally enjoyable.
Makes music for film and multimedia.
Activities: meditation, cooking, bicycling.
Misses Germany
Performs live with synced visual accompaniment by Josh Cabrido.
Will release a debut LP on vinyl and DVD formats.